23 December 2011

Nutrition manager – Moyale

Concern worldwide is a non- governmental organization, which is an international humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and works towards eliminating   extreme poverty in the worlds poorest countries. Concern worldwide is looking for qualified and experienced Kenyan nationals for the following positions nutrition project manager

Duration: one year with possible extension subject to availability of funds.
Will be reporting to the nutrition coordinator based in Nairobi
  • Provide technical leadership, guidance and training to the MoH (ministry of health) and ministry of medical service
  • Work with concern worldwide nutrition programme partners in Moyale in implementation of high impact nutrition interventions (HINI) projects and document the process.
  • Carry out full time management of this programme, including supervision of the project officer and the logistics or finance officer
  • Nutritional or nursing degree
  • A master’s degree in public health or nutrition is desirable
  • Experience in public health approach and experience of programme planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Experience and knowledge of challenges of working with and through local partners, nutrition assessments, including surveys, rapid assessments and surveillance
  • Exceptional monitoring and evaluation skills
  • Analytical and computer skills
  • Excellent report writing skills
  • Three years experience working of community – based management of acute malfunction (CMAM) programmes with significant experience knowledge of MoH.
  • At least two years experience in a supervisor role at the provincial and district level
Concern has a code of conduct and a programme participant protection policy to ensure maximum protection of programme participants from abuse and exploitation

State the position you are applying for and include the names and contacts of relevant three, at least two can validate field and technical expertise. Telephone contacts must be submitted with the application.
Only the selected will be contacted.


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