5 June 2012

Why did you ignore this during your interview?

Turn off your mobile phone!
If you really didn’t think of this, well…

Keep your head

When interviewing, one of the worst mistakes you can make is to lose your composure – some interview questions can be difficult and even at times uncomfortable, so the best thing you can do is to keep your wits about you.
Preparing for your interview in advance is a good way to avoid losing control of the situation on the day – but even if you are caught off guard, don’t worry! Most interviewers will be happy for you to take a minute to compose yourself if you lose track of your thoughts. Don’t take too long though!

Be patient!
You may be on your lunch break and need to get back to your current job or you might have an appointment to go to. Either way, an interviewer doesn’t want to see a candidate who looks like they want to just get out of there.

The awkward interview question! “What is your expected salary?”

the best interview ever

If in any case you’re reading this article and you have ever attended an interview you will agree with me this is not an easy question to answer. No here is how to go about this question:
First, do know you need not to disclose any of the following:
  • Your current salary
  • Your past salary and you really need not to respond to this question.
But in this case you’re interviewing for a new job, and the approach you take while dealing with this question can affect the outcome of the interview, so it is worth being prepared.
In most cases in the early stages of your career, you will be expecting an increase in salary when you move to this new job. This may be because the new job may be a step up for you and as such it has more responsibilities.
Please do remember that your new employer really has no way of finding out your previous salary, in this case if you want to exaggerate a little to help justify an increased expected salary, feel free to do so.  However, depending on responsibilities be careful you do not wanna be conscious with this.

How to respond when asked what your salary expectations are

Let’s assume you want more money than you are getting just now. If the salary hasn’t been disclosed for the job, then you need to carefully discuss the potential with your new employer.

You can start off by saying something along the lines of, “Well, obviously I would expect a salary that is in line with the level and responsibilities of the job and my experience – what starting salary do you offer for this job role?” – This is a great counter to the question. It doesn’t commit you to a specific figure, and moves the discussion back to them. They will always have a figure in mind from the start of the interview – most employers just want to see if they can hire you for less money!


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