This conference is organized by ICHEEAN 2012 and invites
submission of papers and panel workshop proposals. All the proposals should be
on both theory and practice of all the aspects of Higher Education in East Africa
Region as a whole. The main aim of this conference is to establish an
interdisciplinary forum for discourse and that is in all the function areas.
This conference is organized in form of symposium and based on sub selected sub
Topics to be discussed on this conference include:
- The use of technology in the globalization of Higher Education
- Technology and Gender
- Challenges that face universities in Africa
- Higher Education for the Public good – this will include the debate of public universities Vs private universities.
- Pursuit of academic excellence and access to Higher Education
The conference is also ment to promote cooperation and
collaboration between universities, donors, education policy makers, the
industry and critical players in the Higher education sector and finally
education Financiers.
Venue details and organizers
The conference is organized by Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology Secretary.
P.O.BOX 62,000 - 00200 Nairobi Kenya,
Contact: +254- 067-52711
Venue details
Center: Safari Park Hotel
City: Nairobi
Date: 20th June 2012 to 22nd June the
same month