5 June 2012

Why did you ignore this during your interview?

Turn off your mobile phone!
If you really didn’t think of this, well…

Keep your head

When interviewing, one of the worst mistakes you can make is to lose your composure – some interview questions can be difficult and even at times uncomfortable, so the best thing you can do is to keep your wits about you.
Preparing for your interview in advance is a good way to avoid losing control of the situation on the day – but even if you are caught off guard, don’t worry! Most interviewers will be happy for you to take a minute to compose yourself if you lose track of your thoughts. Don’t take too long though!

Be patient!
You may be on your lunch break and need to get back to your current job or you might have an appointment to go to. Either way, an interviewer doesn’t want to see a candidate who looks like they want to just get out of there.

If you have time constraints, then let your interviewer know beforehand – if the interview does run over time they should respect that. If not, then politely bring up your aforementioned arrangement and perhaps offer to schedule a second interview to discuss things in more detail.

This can actually work to your benefit – it shows you are assertive and considerate of possibly competing interviews and it opens the door to further communication at a later date.

Don’t argue – discuss!
The worst mistake an interviewee can make is to get into an argument with the interviewers. Even if you don’t full agree with a point being put across, you should debate it – put forward a logical argument to the contrary – certainly don’t argue. Don’t tell the interviewer they are wrong or just end the discussion in a stubborn outrage!
Many interviewers will choose to put forward illogical arguments just to test how you react to them – your test is how you convey your answer, not the answer itself.


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