6 February 2012

General Secretary

·         Are you competent administrator and organizer having excellent interpersonal skills ?

·         Have you got some experience in writing or publishing related fields?

·         Can you travel extensively, promote KENFAA, and recruit 200 members annually as your basic performance indicator?

·         Have you any knowledge about authors’ rights and authors’ related issues?

·         Do you have a master’s degree?

·         Are you computer literate?

If all your answers are YES then you are welcome to apply for the vacancy named above. This position is tenable w.e.f 1 march 2012 and is offered on a two year contract basis, renewable by mutual agreement, based on your performance.

Please apply to chairman with copies of certificates and testimonials and names and contacts information of three referees. You may submit your application and documents personally to KENFAA office 3rd floor, Viking house, Wetlands, Nairobi, or email them to the chairman at


Application deadline is 18th February 2012


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