Looking for a job? There are four major things that will determine weather you will get the job, get to be called for a another interview or get regrets forever. Below are the four major interview basics you should have:
Look apart.
It has always been said that you have one chance to make a first impression. Most interviewers tend to make or form an opinion about you in the first 20seconds of an interview. While you may be able to overcome an initial poor impression why would you then fight an uphill battle when you can start off on a very way neutral basis if not a positive one. Most of the first impression come from the way you look and the way you introduce yourself to the panel.
No matter what job you are looking for, you should be very well dressed in a suit exception may be a role in advertising, this for men. Your shirt or blouse should be neatly pressed and cuffs on the shirt and the blouse should not be frayed. Make sure your shoes are way well polished and business like in their appearance. It is clear that polished shoes will communicate to the interviewers that they are dealing with someone who cares about how he looks. For ladies shoes with heels are okay but not so high. The skirt should be the required length. Too short does not play well for you even thought it might get all the guys turning their heads while your walking down the street.
However, the introductory greetings and the hand shake are also essential at this level of the interview. Even though the panel knows who you are its polite to go a head and shake their hands and tell exactly who you are. You should shake the hand slowly and firmly but not s firm, say your names also slowly so that the interviewers can clearly get. Make sure you do not shake the interviewers fingers, to a proper greeting and by proper i mean that the inside of both thumbs meet. Squeeze gently , shake twice and then let go slowly
While you do all this simple things that most people forget , the interviewer will be glad and it makes a lot of difference in what the interviewer thinks about you before he or she starts the interview.
The interview should also introduce themselves and as they do so make sure you note down their names and try to use them in the course of the interview. It is always appealing when someone uses your name in a conversation and not repeating sir or madam all the time.
What have you achieved or accomplished ?
This whole thing about interview is about looking at stability. You as a person for the company, and the company for you. Most interviews will start by put a bit of focus on your previous jobs. It is very sad that most curriculum vitae focuses on what the person has done and not what he or she has accomplished. Most interviewers look for what the results are and not what the actions were. For example if you worked as a Human Resource, it is less important that you handle personal files and much more meaningful that you computerized the Human resource files that made their management easier and simpler to use. When a company hires you it expects you to produce results and not just carry out the tasks given to you. So in any case your asked about a role you had on your previous job, do focus more on the result you achieved and not the tasks you carried.
What would you like to be when you grow up ?